أحفاد أحمد أغا قولالي

  Descendantof Ahmed Agha Kawlali

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Ahmed Agha Kawlali

Ahmad Agha was the Minister (Nazer) of the Alexandria Navy, this is written in the legal document setting free Ahmad Pasha Rasheed in line 7.

Nazer was the name used for cabinet minister. In the large book I have Ahmad Pasha Rasheed was called Nazer El-Maleya (= Minister of Finance).

I also read in one book, I think it is the History of Ibrahim Pasha, son of Mohammad Aly Pasha, that the commander of the Army Unit that finished off the Mamaleek at the Cairo Citadel was called Ahmad Agha. And since it was a very critical operation, I believe that Mohammad Aly would give it to his best friend brother-in-law Ahmad Agha, no one else.



But first off: the Ismail that landed in Egypt with Ahmed Agha in May 1809 was Mehmet Ali's youngest son by Amine who came with him --- plague either was not bad that year or didn't come at all. I know that Ahmed Aga Bonaparte's son, and other relations (parents en Fr) were in that group but I have no other names. Kavalla was an important little place.


I believe that Al-Jabarti's work, Merveilles, was not known till it was translated into Fr from Arabic in Paris in the 1890s. I have not tried to find the Arabic originals, but, for my minor purposes this in French is a gold-mine too. You would get much more from the Arabic works if you read the language.


Anyway, at the end of AJ1222 al-Jabarti has a necrologie (as at the end of each year's entries --- it is a journal) and it was in there that I found that AA Bonaparte had died in 1816.



My interest in is a man from Kavalla, Achmed/Ahmed Aga "Bonaparte." He died (plague?) in 1816 in Egypt.


He had been one of Mehmet Ali's officers, serving at Rosetta, Hamad, and the Hejaz. I thought I might have found him when I read what you had written but it is another person.



He had a son (un-named) who came from Kavalla to Alexandria (then Boulaq and Ezbekieh) in May 1809 with Mehmet Ali's wife, Ismail, his son, and other relatives. He was at that time uncircumcised, so young, a boy.



This man was courageous but of moral dissipation in J.L.Burckhardt's opinion. His part in M. Ali's wars is easily found in al-Jabarti's Merveilles, tomes 8 and 9.





A gold-mine! Thank you so much! If the ms is published you are in it. To me your info. is more important than what I got from Khaled Fahmy (we made contact by mail years and years ago when he was doing a degree at Oxford and I was in Cape Breton, I have it somewhere; then I felt upstaged by Jason Thomson at AUC). But I know French and the sources there are great and most folk don’t read it that well.