How to Save the World

Free .mp3 AudioBook

by Hassan Rasheed

(31 MB)

(2.25 Hours)




Hello. I am Hassan Rasheed and I want to give you a heads up on why I wrote this book about saving the world. Although it is spelled out in the title it would not hurt to elaborate on it. The world in my view is the Earth. It is our home, livelihood, and where we originate. Therefore, it has to have the most top priority in our lives and deserves our full attention and analysis.

How to save the World starts out explaining that the Earth evolved with the help of nature and so did the biosphere with key characteristics such as the cyclical nature of moving and recycling resources and maintaining balanced and resilient populations. Next it introduces the human element that once played by the rules of nature but then started to make rules of its own in the form of civilization. The effects of these human rules on the natural world are introduced with their tragic consequences along with the author's apology on behalf of the civilized.

The book then looks at the future and whether we will survive or not. It then argues that a decision needs to be taken now rather than later explaining that there are three options available to us. The first being doing nothing, the second is to use the civilized set of tools to solve Earths problems, and the third is to submit to the rules of Nature.



Table of Contents




Section 1: Earth is a Product of Nature

Section 2: Introduction of Humans

Section 3: Can Humans Survive?

Section 4: The Confession

Section 5: What is it that Defines the Civilized?

Section 6: Time for a Decision





(31 MB)

(2.25 Hours)