
Free .mp3 AudioBook

by Hassan Rasheed

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(2.7 Hours)




Ubundu is a love story that unfolded as the environmental effects of climate change in the year 2029 descended on both Dallas, Texas and the Amazon River Basin. It was a love of a civilized man and a tribal woman from the Amazon River Basin. Her name was Celo and he was David. In the beginning, their lives were intertwined by the conflict between the civilized vs the indigenous. Her love for him was stronger than his love of his industry. So, he joined her from a fossil fuel company born out of a world of profit-making, consumption, and arrogance to a world containing strange rituals and beliefs practiced through song, dance, and play. He pursued her from the status of an executive and embraced her life of possession less passion, simplicity, and the enjoyment of the low-hanging fruits of paradise.

It is a story of dark plots, backstabbing, courtroom dramas, and murder in and around the sleepy old and small town of Ubundu in the middle of the Amazon jungle now taken over by a giant oil company.






(56 MB)

(2.7 Hours)




Reference to Places, People & Terms

in the book Ubundu by Hassan Rasheed



Balik the name of the father of all Amazonian tribes

Bantulo The name of the tribe that Celo belongs to south of Ubundu

Binto flower was placed behind Olik's right ear signaling to Balik that she was ready to mate

Bulleto is the name of a tree under which they burry bones and nut shells

Cablewise a TV and internet provider company

Capybara is a large rodent of the Amazon River basin and the main source of meat for Amazon tribes

Celo is the name of the main female character in the book

Chester Ortega the name of a Washburn Oil Company Employee killed by David Smith

Clark Otowa head of the Wild Life Rescue organization

David Smith name of the main male character in the book

Edward name of a private investigator working for David Smith

Freeville is the psychiatrist who treated David Smith

Gabal Tallib a mountain north of where Celo was to head towards

George Bantos chairman of the board of the Washburn Co.

Gerald Potz name of a Washburn Company employee killed by David Smith

Herbert Hall name of a Washburn Company employee killed by David Smith

Izayak how are you in the Bantulo language

Jerry Snowfield name of lead engineer on the Zoos project and killed by David Smith

Kaloka the name of an Amazonian tribe

Katmano is the name of a native woman met by Celo

Lomalo the name of a Bantulo girl Celo met

Maadi is a city south of Cairo Egypt

Molate a brother of Celo who left Siga at the battle site

Molonga the name of Celo's mother

Nanologic is a technology company in Billings Montana

Nemro is a tropical disease clinic in Cairo Egypt

Ogalie is made of the cassava root

Olik the name of the mother of all Amazonian tribes

Ombala is the name of a brave Bantulo warrior

Seloti is the name of an Amazon River Basin tribe to which Celo was traded

S'nior Julio Gonzales the prosecutor and lawyer in the two court cases involving David Smith

Siga uncle of Celo who died at the site of the battle between Jerry and David

Taglusi is a species of capybara

Techo is a tree in Paradise that grows the forbidden fruit

Tongaluta is a yellow tractor used by the invaders to clear land

Ubundu is A town south of Manaus which is a city in the Amazon River Basin.

Washburn an oil company at which David worked

Zoos is the name of the oil drilling project which David Smith oversaw