No Hope Focus Group





Current efforts to solve the human-caused catastrophe that is about to take over the Earth are going nowhere.  Oil is still pumped, plastics are still clogging our oceans and rivers, and the climate is still warming up to name just a minuscule of problems. In simple words, there is no hope of avoiding a future that is not. It is the mission of this “No Hope Focus Group” to challenge the world to do something constructive and effective along the path of saving what is left of this precious planet we live on by pointing out that current efforts are not good enough and that doomsday is still coming for us.

This group is also responsible for pointing out how more effective solutions are to come about by accepting Nature into our lives instead of shunning it. To fight by re-inventing solutions after our traditional ways is a losing battle. By accepting Nature into our lives, we will see our planet flourish once again. By doing so many new, creative, and effective ways will come to us in our quest for a livable Earth.