Free AudioBooks by Hassan Rasheed


Natural Birth and Natural Death are Necessities

How to Save the World

The Apology


(Historical Novel)

In Search of Identity




Agents of Entropy



About the Author

The informative writer Hassan Rasheed, expands on the themes he brought up in his earlier books on the environment. In this visionary work, Rasheed suggests that humanity is facing a very dangerous period that requires massive change to how we live, and how we can participate in this change to bring about a world that is full of compassion and goodness. At present, people are too involved in their individual thoughts and emotions, identifying with them to a great extent. However, thoughts and emotions are fleeting, and you have to look deeper to figure out who we really are.


Hassan Rasheed is an intensely powerful author who will make you think about things that you've never considered. We take it for granted that we are the sum of our experiences, but Rasheed shows us that we have far greater depths than we've ever imagined. We are all capable of so much more when we work in conjunction with the power of nature, and together, we can achieve goals that, at present, seem impossible.


Hassan Rasheed was born in Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A in 1949 to Ahmed Adel Rasheed and Maredine Charles Hughes. He was whisked off to Egypt when he was a few weeks old and there he grew up had an unhappy childhood during which his parents fought frequently and he eventually moved to the U.S. to attend college at the University of Oregon where he earned two master's degrees in Biology and Information Management. He met his wife, Karen, in Eugene, Oregon. He did not start writing until he reached his 60th birthday. He has since written 47 books mostly on the subject of biology in general and on the environment in particular.